Questions & Answers

You can find some important questions & answers below.😊

WpLizer is a platform where you can buy premium wordpress themes & plugins with original license & auto Updates.

Good Point Why You Trust Us? We have a reputation for awesome WordPress themes and plugins with original licenses, Even More Then 100K+ Bloggers And Website Developers Already Using WPLIZER.COM

We purchased Themes and Plugin from official developers for unlimited website/agency plan and simply provide to our customers that’s why our price is very affordable 

If you are from india then you can pay using UPI, Net Banking & debit credit card or if you from out of india then you can pay using stripe (international transaction enabled debit credit card).

We are not selling GPL/Nulled Items because its harmful for any WordPress website and its also available free of cost on internet.
We always provide you 100% original & auto updatable items.

Yes, For Installation & license Activation you must need to provide your WordPress access for For a short time & you can remove access after installation.

Yes, you will receive all future updates directly on your WordPress dashboard.

Yes, if your purchased theme/plugin will not work then we will try to solve your issue within 3-5 days and if we are not able to solve it then we refund.


yes you can use our theme/plugin in your projects or client’s website without any issue.


Yes, We provide minimal and only installation support for you.

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